The site has its own car park at the top of the path from the Cambridge Road entrance with room for about 10 vehicles. A track runs around the site which vehicles can use to deliver materials etc to plots. There is a one way system in operation and all plot holders are asked to observe this to avoid confusion and jams. Parking is limited to the car park, no parking is allowed on the track or on plots.
The car park next to the Rifle Club is for their members only. Plot holders are not allowed to park there.
The water supply services the entire site and all the plots are within a plot or two of the dipping tanks. Water can be taken from these tanks by watering cans to hydrate plants – plenty of exercise for members during the summer months! Members need to be considerate in hot spells and are asked to not empty them completely, otherwise neighbouring plot holders may have a long wait before they can water their allotments as the mains pressure can sometimes be very low.
Members are also asked to try to keep the water in the tanks clean. Washing of crops, boots or tools etc. is not permitted as this can transfer any pathogens between plots.
The water supply is generally turned on each year from about late March to the end of November (weather dependant – the system is shut off during periods when freezing weather is likely and liable to cause burst pipes).
Members are asked to be as economical as possible. All water is paid for by the Association so please use wisely.
- Hoses – The use of hoses on the site to water plots is strictly forbidden. Any tampering with the water supply to attach hoses will be looked upon as vandalism.
Natural Water Supplies
We encourage members to set up rainwater collection from their sheds and greenhouses. Storing water gathered on rainy days to be used during dry periods reduces the demand for mains supplied water to the tanks, thereby reducing the demand on the public system and the cost to the Association.
Manure and Woodchip
We receive regular deliveries of stable manure from two sources, one ‘Royal’ and woodchip from a couple of local tree surgeons. The supplies are deposited in bays near the Cambridge Ave entrance for members to take and use as they wish.

Communal Areas
There are several areas around the site for communal use. A covered area by the ‘office’, another on plot 105 which houses the wind turbine and solar panel providing power to the site drainage system, the Nature Reserve and next to it the Centenary Garden where events (including the AGM) are held.